We build carefully selected fund portfolios providing access to best-in-class and highly sought-after private equity managers in the European and North American lower mid-market.
We build carefully selected fund portfolios providing access to best-in-class and highly sought-after private equity managers in the European and North American lower mid-market.
About MPEP
Munich Private Equity Partners (MPEP) is one of Europe's leading fund of funds specialists focusing solely on primary buyout funds in the lower mid-market. Our team is driven by a shared passion to partner with the industry's elite.
Track Record
Providing track record on record level.
Most claim to work with the best. We let numbers do the talking. Our lower mid-market managers across Europe and North America have proven their outstanding value creation capabilities and outperformance potential by having on average almost quadrupled the invested capital across their realized investments.
Realized Gross MOIC
Realized Gross IRR
The quality of managers is more than ever paramount for success. We invest in funds with outstanding track records, whose teams have proven their comprehensive operational and strategic expertise across several fund generations and market cycles.
Christopher Bär
Managing Director
Conservatism meets outperformance.
Our fund of funds programs provide an asymmetric risk-reward profile to investors. While our approach is conservative in nature, our clients benefit from strong outperformance potential which is enabled by gaining access to the industry's elite in the most attractive market segment.